Top 5 superhero movies that never ihappened 01 1

sbyam Free

Electro-Mechanical Design Engineer, spent my career bringing you word processors, personal computers, digital audio and video, and HD TV. Thank you, and sorry, whichever way you roll. Husband, Father, Grampa, Hiker, Mountainer, Outdoorsman, Friend to the animals, big dog lover. Got Mastiff? Peace

Recent Comments

  1. over 10 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    There’s like two on here that have a clue about what Jimmy is saying. Good job Al and dtj621! And Jimmy J. Wow! Just wow Dude. Made me smile and think. Sometimes you nail it, and this is one of those examples. Insight, awareness, truth. Thanks for sharing that with us. We’re living in the land of the have’s and the have-not’s folks. Million dollar homes and folks living under the bridge less than half a mile away. And more of them everyday in our throw-away society. The majority out here live that fine line. A major illness or job loss could throw many over to the lean side of that window. Give thanks for what you have and do something nice for someone you don’t know this holiday season. And Curtis, Dude, cartoons are not necessarily funny. Get with the program.

  2. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Always loved the way JJ keeps Janis sexy under the surface. She’s a Mary Ann not a Ginger. These old guys know it.

  3. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Put your headphones in (nothing need even be playing) and just wave and keep walking. What? Didn’t hear a thing. Oh, and ladies, wear something that covers your butt, unless you want us staring at it (thanks if you don’t mind!) because that’s what these old guys are doing after she passes if they’ve got any life left in them, lol.

  4. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    I run every other day, I notice what’s going on, if you’re out there your neighbors notice you, and where you go and what time and what you wear…..and second what PettyMower said for sure, who wouldn’t notice Janis? Besides neighbors like to let you know that they know what you’re doing sometimes, let you know they’re not missing anything, lol. Could be that’s all he’s doing.

  5. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Not all fun being a locavore. JJ didn’t show the part I did all freakin day today, the #$% weeding!!!!! We only grow heirloom varieties, Brandywine and Cherokee, yum! Makes it all worth it.

  6. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    That’s the west, the west, the muslims are to China’s left, duh! Chinese don’t have anything cept what they’ve stolen from us. World’s biggest rip-off artists.

  7. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis
    @Darsan54 got it right about what Jefferson meant, it’s always about the journey, the pursuit folks, not about the destination. The constitution does not garantee happiness, just our right to go after it. Many never get there.@the_kraut, China doesn’t have anyone by the balls, what they have is 1.34 BILLION people to keep happy that demand more every day, while India with 1.2 billion sits on it’s southern doorstep, and to the east a billion muslims. They don’t want any trouble with us, fool, they got enough to worry about. The dump their funds and just see what happens in their own country. Duh.
  8. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Right on Jimmy! Good series this 4th of July week. I’m fearful of where all this technology is taking us. Advances in “watching us” have far outpaced laws that protect us from it. I know, laws are made and enforced by the state, but funny thing how they use the new technology so quickly on us while trampling on our rights to “happiness” that always have to play catch-up. Stay out of my business! And I’m happy as a clam in high water.

  9. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis
    Lot’s of hawks here in the northeast now, freakin big ones too. 30 years ago, there were practically none and we’d have 20 pigeons in the yard at the feeders. Now, three pigeons. Saw one get taken one day. It’s blindingly fast, a streak of light, a swoosh sound in the air, whammo, feathers fly everywhere, before you even realize what is going on, and flap, flap, flap, up, up, and away…’s a bitch sometimes.Once saw a hawk in the mountains hiking along a cliff edge, there were dozens of them. This one guy comes by 30 ft out beyond the cliff, flips himself over up side down! I swear. Looks right at me, give a big cry, and continues to glide by just having a blast gliding around on the air currents. Looked like he was saying to me, “how do you like this bud?” It was cool chit.
  10. about 11 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Most popular stories around the campfire are all about killer bears and deranged hook-handed axe murderers, right? What was that noise?!?!