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  1. over 2 years ago on Rose is Rose

    My go-to is the Farm Innovators birdbath heater 150-watt cast aluminum birdbath heater. They regularly last about 7-8 seasons in Minnesota winters.

  2. over 2 years ago on Rose is Rose

    Yes, they do. Also, birdbaths that are made out of materials strong enough to stay out during winters in the snow belt can have heaters put into the basin. I used to do this with my bird bath when we lived in a place with an outlet nearby. The birds, squirrels and deer used to flock to it every day.

  3. over 2 years ago on Over the Hedge

    “Quiet quitting” is a term being used to make employees look lazy and ungrateful. The correct term is “working to rule” (or “working to the rule”), and it actually means, 8 hours work for 8 hours pay (a phrase I heard from my parents, both union members) and setting appropriate boundaries, such as turning off business phones and not responding to business emails during what are supposed to be an employee’s free time.

  4. over 2 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    Um, no. This boomer knows that “quiet quitting” is a phrase coined to make workers looks lazy. The proper term is “working to rule” (or “working to the rule”), and what workers are doing now are working their assigned hours (instead of working off the clock), and turning off their business phones and email after hours. In other words, workers are setting appropriate boundaries and Big Business doesn’t like that. When I hear “quiet quitting”, I hear “anti-worker, anti-union”.

  5. over 4 years ago on Skippy

    Yes, this is sad. Watching Crosby starting to unravel (even nearly 90 years later) is very unsettling. My father was one of those “forestation men” in the late 1930s, and he NEEDED that money—most of his pay went to his parents (not $30 a month, either). I wonder what Mr. Crosby would think of today’s military industrial complex and what it’s done to our country and our world.

  6. about 10 years ago on Skippy

    Percy Crosby was also an excellent artist. Sometimes the older comic strips are the better ones. However, it’s February 19th right now and I would have liked to have seen this strip back in December.