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- about 10 years ago on Pearls Before Swine
over 10 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Does Rat know there is something called email or online chat? And I think that last time, Rat used to like surfing web on his smartphone? Why is it difference this time?
over 10 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
@Number Six
You can also watch the latest version of “Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey”, Episode 6 “Deeper, Deeper, Deeper Still” show on National Geographic Channel hosted by renowned astrophysicist Dr Neil De Grasse Tyson if your want to understand more about the ‘invisible’ force repel by the nucleus between the atoms. The science behind is explained through the scene when a boy use a finger to ‘touch’ a girl’s face.
almost 11 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
Maybe what Dr Mel need to do is to invent chemical that he can drink to have super speed power like Barry Allen AKA The Flash to finish doing his taxes fast.
about 11 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
If the speaker is Kim Kardashian with her usual cleavage or talented lady’s power + ‘sexy’ charisma instead of Dr Mel (I didn’t think he appeal to female students), maybe science topic would be more live and knowledgeable (who can forget what she taught?) : D
Anyway, jokes aside, I thought Stephen Hawking had already ‘united’ quantum theory and the theory of relativity long time ago? And science was popular during that time because there is no distraction from Internet, video game and trash shows like Naruto!
about 11 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Well rats, the most stupid people ever is the cartoon character Naruto and it’s creator + its narutard fans. Be sure to mark these people in your map!
over 11 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
>>JPuzzleWhiz and >>BRO6164
This is an free discussion board. If you have an issue with grammar, please go back to your school and write a 100 times : I will not troll in an comic board and learn to respect other’s opinion without posting off topic comment to improve your writing skill instead. Posting here is really a waste of your ‘grammar talent’, didn’t you think?
over 11 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
I suspect maybe Carla is an spy or an mole from Riebli Elementary or it could be that she had an close friend from the rival team. Either way that is the reason why she join the rat’s basketball and try to sabotage his team.
I bet my dollar in the first guess cos do you people seriously believed that an girl like her age would know something about metaphysics unless someone teach her. It just like the movie ‘Men In Black’ where during a shooting test, Will Smith shoot the little girl cardboard just because it is illogical that a girl like her age would get an quantum physics book to read!
over 11 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
If the female penguin is an maths genius and didn’t dug the hole’s size bigger than the polar bear’s head, her plan would be an brilliant one. In fact even human use the same method for fishing in antarctic ocean expect they know how to use a gun if an polar bear really attack like what is shown in this comic strip!
over 11 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
It is obviously that the rat use the omelette as an illustration or example because he thought that girl ’s necessary knowledge is cooking and it would be easy to use this as an motivation to put in 100% effect which is not the case.
In fact, I rather see this maybe as an pun related to the no action against Syria ‘s alleged chemical attack where people are indifferent to the fact that 1400 lives was lost just like the girl team is not concerned about winning but who Stalin is or the moral of the story is sportsmanship don’t exist anymore!
The fact that low garbage IQ work like Naruto are so popular around the world just prove that the research which rat are conducting is correct.