No bio available
Came here to say the same!
Okay, what’s up with the “Dior Bag One” written on the spaceship door?
I yearn for a proper kern!
As an enjoyer of meat (and other things) wrapped in casings, I see Lio wrapped in sausages!
So really noticing the kerning of the letter Y in today’s Crabgrass dialog. Judging by the equally repeated excessive space between it and the letter it follows, it appears Tauhid has a custom font for this strip (versus hand-lettering).
Indeed, just Google “airplane 2 rocky poster” and there it is: Rocky XXXVIII
In some cases it’s a good way to get out of paying the “transaction” fees they levy for using a credit or debit card.
I’ve read that in some of the older movies they actually used asbestos as snow.
We’re only 73 million-or-so “Ugly Americans” (those that voted for/support the orange windbag).
It’s on his knee FFS.
Came here to say the same!