“I love Deer,” “Some of my best friends are deer.” “I don’t have a problem with deer, but why do they have to parade around?” “Why just deer lives matter? ALL lives matter.” Yeah, many of us know the neighbor who smiles & waves and yet some how stands against our family.
Cured?!? Of What? Jobs are up, wages are up, economy is up. Perhaps you speak of the domestic terrorists and unregistered guns? Or cured of gerrymandering and voter suppression?
Wow. Fox News and Homeland Republican News is all “Shocking” and “Bombshell” on this story, which makes it suspect. As the Committee on Homeland Security is holding interviews, what we need is due diligence and verified facts, not just meme-seeking headliners. Regardless of which Administration is in office, our gov’t oversight should be serious and consistent, not a finger pointing blame game.
oh no, not Mayo! Did you shop for other brands, or in other stores? I can buy mayo for $2.49 or for $8.89 depending on where and which. That’s not inflation that’s marketing (and the manufacturer/shop-keep setting prices).
Red Ted points out how Hungary Russia, Turkey, Iran have run their show (skipping panels 2&3) to the delight of Don the Con. Let’s choose to keep America free of that cabal.
“I love Deer,” “Some of my best friends are deer.” “I don’t have a problem with deer, but why do they have to parade around?” “Why just deer lives matter? ALL lives matter.” Yeah, many of us know the neighbor who smiles & waves and yet some how stands against our family.