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- almost 10 years ago on Luann
about 10 years ago
on Luann
Just checked the back strips and just where the heck did he get luggage coming back from the Village?!?!?! If the bus people dropped him off, he didn’t stop at his “hotel”… and there is no way they could have carried luggage up to the village because it was a cramped van full of supplies…I know the ‘toonist is limited in space but a tour bus is not going to drive 1 person to the airport that didn’t even pay for the tour… perhaps its the tour company rep. waiting to collect the several hundred $s he owes for the week-long tour… or Luis to explain he did what he did because he is “Uncle Leo” and Gunther needed to be kicked in the pants with “an unexpected journey” to man up and not be the wimp he is/was…
about 10 years ago
on Luann
So ashamed and bored of this story arc… as someone else suggested; lets just move on to Brad and Toni… or even go back to TJ and see what he’s doing… Evans has lost himself in stupidity here… Book-smarts does not equal common sense…Gunther definitely lacks one of those qualities… which is why he will always lose out even after winning a girl like Rosa out of sheer blind luck… then losing her to his insecurities and Oedipal complex.
If Evans is trying to save this story, he’s beat that horse into dust…
about 10 years ago
on Luann
I think Evans needs to hand this “ship” over… it clearly obvious he doesn’t know how to write “interesting” comics based in the world of teenagers moving into adulthood. It would be a wise move to once again; drop this stupid arc and maybe move on to one that everyone actually is wondering about… when the hell is the wedding going to happen?
about 10 years ago
on Luann
Okay, obviously Evans is a true moron as to how IT support works. I don’t care if this is comic; a kid just out of High School with no certification or IT experience would never be allowed to work on (especially a hospital’s) IT infrastructure. Quit being so delusional and making your characters to be these “super heroes”. First you make one out to be an unapologetic bitch that thinks she’s going to amount to something in politics; then you have someone that can only be described as a depressive slut, you’ve got a snake oil salesman who actually happens to be the only humanistic person in the strip… and now a KID that an entire hospital is relying on to keep their IT infrastructure running? I would say stick to teenage angst story arcs, but you can’t even have Guenther’s mom call her date by his first name! wth!?!??!?! Is that how you greeted your wife/significant other when you first met them?
about 10 years ago
on Luann
I think Evans needs to end this arc as he just bastardized Australian Voting rules. You are NOT deemed a criminal if you do not pay the fine… it is up to the Magistrates to determine what action will be taken. Besides who really gives a flying fart about the voting requirements of other countries? Evans has been on this bitch session since his party lost control and now all he can do is complain about the voter turnout and use LuAnn as an example because in his comic world she didn’t vote?!?! On the verge of not reading this comic anymore as its starting to annoy.
about 10 years ago
on Luann
Definitely time to end this arc… its always a killer when you turn one of your “beloved” characters into a bitch. Patriotism is not making others feel bad, its about feeling good about yourself for doing what you thought was necessary… as I said yesterday, Evans always makes Delta the party pooper, happy-killer, basically “the bitch” of the group.
about 10 years ago
on Luann
I think Evans needs to “retire” Delta to the relics of their friend that drifted apart by being so far away… really though, how important has she been to the strip? As bad as it sounds, she IS the token black of the strip… she’s also the token nag/bully/Mini Mussolini forcing all her friend to do what she wants, thinking it is a good thing.
Evans inadvertently has shown just how unimportant Delta is to this strip by having her move away… if he wanted to bring her back into the fold; why not have a “twist” story arc with her, it would have been nice if she would have called and not mentioned voting at all… to have her smitten by some guy that is a complete opposite of herself… to where she shows that “LIFE GETS IN THE WAY” and she forgot to vote and isn’t even upset about it.
But to continue the arc he has started, just goes to show, he has no new options for her… and people like that in real life end up doing nothing, because they get devastated when their “dream” doesn’t happen right out of the chute.
Evans… her name is DELTA for Pete’s sake… make that name mean more than being the token you use for “political” commentaries… I’m sorry if your candidate or party lost, but when people read “LuAnn”, they don’t want the Drudge Report.
almost 11 years ago
on Luann
guess Evans got the hint and killed the “Delta can do no wrong arc”…maybe he does read the comments, lol!
almost 11 years ago
on Luann
I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to see through the stupidity of the storyline Greg Evans has decided to run on…
“…said” is correct and if you ever decide to really delve into Mother Teresa’s life, you’ll find she wasn’t as “saintly” as everyone remembers…at least Bill Gate’s actions and promise upon his death will be far reaching and will show what true philanthropy is…let’s see the hipsters claim that about their “messiah” Steve Jobs.
As well, it gets to the point that you just want to close out the page when Greg Evan’s drags out his “Better than thou” Delta…Just because she’s the only black in the strip doesn’t mean he has to parade her around like she’s the only one with a giving heart; if he truly embraced her namesake – DELTA – it would be that she herself would be about CHANGE…not just being the one-dimensional buzz kill with the “help the world” mantra…but someone that realizes that she is has ruined her youth by NOT having one…in reality; those people usually don’t adjust well after high school because when they do realize what they ultimately missed out on; they begin their rebellion in College and in many instances begin a “death spiral” of depression and remorse that never ends well…
So how about, for a “Delta”; Greg Evans pulls his head out of his arse and portray Delta realistically given this is “her” Senior Year, and let her enjoy something with her friends that she doesn’t FORCE upon them so she can delude herself into thinking she’s done good…because what ultimately happens when you crash a less fortunate person’s life with something that they normally cant afford? Yeah, it’s great whilst in the moment, but what of after? How do the parents take it knowing they cant provide this for the family on a continual basis? How do the kids react? Does resentment of their parents…or the lot in life they were born into start to build? do they turn to a life of crime to regain that one night of “joy”? That’s the stark reality that most people don’t think about when they decide they are the new “messiah” and must impart their ideals on some unsuspecting person or family.
Lastly, another commenter was right; it is totally wrong for Delta to automatically pull Bernice into her delusion of charity…she should have seen that Bernice really wanted to go to the prom…maybe Evans realized this whilst creating this strip and made bernice the better person by not having her complain that Delta always drags her into these half-assed ideas…Bernice merely makes a joke to if she can still wear the dress; giving Delta a subtle hint that she would still rather go to the prom.
Lastly, it would be nice to see a tangent in which, just after this diatribe; Delta gets swept off her feet by some guy; much to her chagrin…truly making her question whether it has been wise for her to throwaway her entire youth without living a little…hell, even Obama smoked weed…
Sorry for the long post…guess this storyline really irked me…
And here I was complaining about the Gunther arc… this one is worse…" Let’s Lampoon College by creating the most extreme professor types", and show them doing things that would cause them to lose not only their tenure, but also their jobs and any future in academia… Come on Evans… are you running on empty after 20 years?