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  1. over 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Do you really not see how your arguments are exactly like the arguments that Satan used in the garden? He maligned God’s character by misquoting Him. “Is it true you can’t eat of ANY of the fruit in the garden?” You misquote and accuse Him of withholding ALL knowledge. It was only the knowledge of good and evil that He chose as the one test of whether they would trust Him or not after He lovingly provided them with everything they needed. Their partaking of the fruit was exactly like a 3 year old who has hundreds of toys at home, but throws a monumental tantrum in the grocery store when mom refuses to buy them whatever trinket of a toy the child’s fixates on. He wants it just because he wants it. There wasn’t anything magical or chemical about the fruit that would unlock some hidden part of their memory or understanding that God wanted to withhold from them. It was the realization of what they had done that was the “knowledge of good and evil.” “We took all that love, care, and concern that He has shown us …. and spat on it.”