“Rabbit rabbit rabbit” is a superstition in English-speaking countries that involves saying the phrase on the first day of the month to ensure good luck for the rest of the month.
Indeed, that’s why Standard Time makes the most sense. Noon is when the sun is overhead in the middle of the time zone so neither eastern nor western edge of the zone is favored.
Overall, Mexico made up 69% of U.S. vegetable imports and 51% percent of U.S. fresh fruit imports in 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So why not buy from other countries like you suggested? Because their prices are higher. Tariffs on goods from Mexico will increase their prices too, so we may purchase these things from other countries but like I said, they will be more expensive.
On a FOX interview in October about Springfield, Ohio, “Well what about the goose, the geese? What about the geese? What happened there? They’re all missing,” Trump said.
“Rabbit rabbit rabbit” is a superstition in English-speaking countries that involves saying the phrase on the first day of the month to ensure good luck for the rest of the month.