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You know, when you favorite YouTuber says this video is sponsored by…and you keep pushing the L button until they’re done talking about the sponsor.
BTW, whose hour is this? I was charging you. And I was charging you too.
Heart kabob
Four days off in a row would be nice. But I’m not sure I’d like my 5th day off in the middle of 2 workdays.
Lio, you can’t encapsulate all that halitosis into one bubble.
Everything old is new again.
There was a lot champagne flowing at the reception before the honeymoon.
Excuse me, I misunderstood, I thought this second-hand self-defense meant I would get some gently used self-defense.
Well companies set their products to fail a day or 2 after the warranty expires. That being said, I believe the Robot Apocalypse will happen on day 366 or 367 after purchase, unless you buy the extended warranty.
Mr. Destructo seems rather large. How many D-cells does he run on? Better stop by the warehouse store and get a couple 32 packs.
You know, when you favorite YouTuber says this video is sponsored by…and you keep pushing the L button until they’re done talking about the sponsor.