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Recent Comments

  1. 19 days ago on Luann

    Stef is the most annoying character in this series, but overall most annoying character, that honor goes to Umbridge from Harry Potter.

  2. 19 days ago on Luann

    That’s sweet, Shannon.

  3. 20 days ago on Luann

    Talk about a mega B*tch Karen. What are you gonna do about it, Karen? There are no managers at a playground.

  4. 21 days ago on Luann

    Oh, p*ss off Karen. You’re the one being a bad role model for your child.

  5. 21 days ago on Luann

    She’s a Karen, logic and smarts do not exist to them.

  6. 22 days ago on Luann

    Their kids and it’s a tunnel slide, you can’t see jack or squat in those things. an accident is bound to happen in one, chill out Karen.

  7. about 1 month ago on Luann

    I had a piano too as a kid and never once played it, never had the mind to, now o blare my guitar at near full volume (outside) just to annoy my Karen neighbor.

  8. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Ah yes, the good ol’ “I suffered so should you” type of parent. Guess they never heard the old saying “Every kid deserves parents, but not all parents deserve kids.”