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  1. about 12 years ago on Clay Bennett

    It’s not name calling when someone from the left says that, for example, sherriff Arpaio and his allies are intolerant and racist. There’s plenty of facts to support it. It’s not name calling to say that Mr. Santorum is intolerant either, when there are plenty of facts to back this up. It’s not just name-calling to call Mr Santorum looney, when he has expressed so many positions on issues that are utterly devoid of any connection with reality other than the made-up one inside the Republican bubble.

  2. over 14 years ago on Jim Morin

    This comic is informed by the typical mainstream press articles that paint Hugo Chavez as a dictator. Most of these articles just recyle the lies of the rabidly extreme right wing opposition to Chavez.

    Venezuela has been run for hundreds of years by a radical far right elite that have ignored the problems of about 70% of the population.

    If they had addressed these problems themselves, Chavez wouldn’t have a voting base.

    These selfish elitists continue to run candidates that try to appeal to this far right base, and guess, what, they lose elections that have largely passed scrutiny from outside observers.

  3. over 14 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Inane stupid right wing BS.