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lindamon Free

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  1. about 2 months ago on Back to B.C.

    By cartoon rules, if he doesn’t look down, he won’t fall

  2. 2 months ago on Shoe

    Oh I agree Trump should have been impeached by the senate. But you are being willfully blind to the fact that such a poor candidate STILL won a big electoral vote, every single swing state, AND the popular vote – a republican hasn’t won the popular vote in over twenty years. How can that happen exactly? He should have been easy to beat. The fault lies ENTIRELY with the democratic leadership. He won more voters in deep blue NYC than any republican candidate has in 40 years. The dems in my lifetime – and I was democratic for most of my life – have slowly become the party of the elites, more worried about pronouns than they are working class Americans. Bernie Sanders nailed it. Rather than look for what they might be doing wrong, they throw the blame at Americans, call them racist and mysogynistic. Calling people names is not a productive way to get them on your side. If the dem leadership doesn’t wake up and have a long hard look at themselves, this will only continue.

  3. 2 months ago on Shoe

    You realize he had higher amount of blacks and Hispanics voting for him this time around than he did before? He won the popular this time – a whole lot of former Obama voters voted for him as well. Trump’s a badly flawed candidate for sure, but the dems messed up by lying about Biden’s obvious lack of mental capacity for so long. Kamala might have had a chance if they had done the right thing with the 25th amendment, she would have had more time to campaign. She was seen as a continuation of Biden policies, 70% saw the country on the wrong track, and she had no time to distance herself.

  4. 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    My kids liked cooked fresh vegetables. When their friends came to eat I heard a lot of “what’s this green stuff on my plate?”

  5. 2 months ago on Crankshaft

    So you’re saying it’s bad I don’t want an illegal immigrant driving my kids in a school bus?

  6. 2 months ago on Shoe

    The NAFTA free trade agreement by Bill Clinton put the nail in the coffin of the orange growing industry in Florida where I live. The groves are all slowly turning into cattle farms now. Sometimes tarrifs are a good thing. And I voted for Clinton

  7. 2 months ago on Peanuts Begins

    I used to play croquet with my grandparents when we went over for Sunday dinner back about 60 years ago. My grandmother was a total cutthroat and whack anyone’s ball away, haha! We all were cutthroats actually, but we sure had fun! I sure miss those days.

  8. 4 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes


  9. 6 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    I am not a Trumper but have to say the dems also don’t believe in the Constitution, or are just too cowardly to act, otherwise by now the 25th Amendment would have been invoked for a president that is clearly not able to function in the role, which is in and of itself a clear and present danger to US citizens, and destabilizes the world as the bad guys can see clearly what shape our president is in. Kamala would, and should, be our president now. The whole situation right now is terrifying, and everybody in power seems more interested in holding onto power than doing what is best for the country.

  10. 7 months ago on Cleats

    Restaurant in America named Dairy Queen is often called “DQ” for short, a blizzard is a type of milkshake they serve