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Recent Comments

  1. almost 11 years ago on Lucky Cow

    I had a job like that, I told my mother that I was a piano player in a whore house. She was so proud.

  2. almost 11 years ago on Zack Hill

    What did all the cartoonist do, draw each others strips as a April fools joke?

  3. almost 11 years ago on Working It Out

    Works for me.

  4. about 11 years ago on Marmaduke

    Marmaduke is 60, and that ain’t dog years

  5. about 11 years ago on The Creeps

    I have three steps..I let the dogs lick them, I hand wash them, then I run them thru the dish washer to sterilize them. I don’t let friends or family ever see the last two steps so no one wants to eat at my house. Works out GREAT!

  6. about 11 years ago on Uncle Art's Funland

    I’m not thinking “ewe”, I’m thinking—— “lamb chops”

  7. about 11 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    I thought the Ritz was a hotel.

  8. about 11 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Try using LED bulbs

  9. about 11 years ago on PreTeena

    Obama is currently looking for such a pass

  10. over 11 years ago on Cheap Thrills Cuisine

    that 1/2 cup of red pepper is the powder or the bell pepper?seems like a lot of pepper if you mean powder.