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Recent Comments

  1. about 1 hour ago on Luann

    Of course, their child would be totally fine with both their parents working a dangerous job. That requires them to spend time away from home, staying at the firehouse.

  2. 3 days ago on Luann

    Okay, I’ll say it. Toni’s fantasy Shannon behaves more like an eager to please domestic than a child. Even a well behaved one. I know Noah has a less responsible approach to child rearing. But if this is how Toni sees child rearing, I’m beginning to doubt both of their qualifications for parenthood.

  3. 5 days ago on Luann

    So she wants her six(?) year old daughter to do the cooking instead of her or Brad?

  4. 15 days ago on Luann

    There’s a difference though, between donating, and receiving.

  5. 15 days ago on JumpStart

    “Serenity wouldn’t like the idea”? Dude, she’s your client. Not your girlfriend. Right? Right?!

  6. 19 days ago on JumpStart

    IMO they should make pickleball an Olympic sport. They already have table tennis, so start the life-sized version.

  7. 19 days ago on Luann

    I hate when they do this.

  8. 22 days ago on Heart of the City

    Thing is though, Trevor was promising things at the debate that he wouldn’t be able to deliver. What’s gonna happen when everybody realizes he can’t (or won’t) keep his campaign promises?

  9. 22 days ago on Rip Haywire

    The punchline for this farce should be Breezy and Hazy still with their memories, wondering why Rip is acting so hum-drum.

  10. 28 days ago on Rip Haywire

    Forget Jenkins! Please put us on the machine so we can forget this whole stupid storyline!