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Island Boy Free

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  1. 4 months ago on Frazz

    I play by ear …

  2. 4 months ago on Frazz

    When asked about his 5-string guitar setup and playing style, Keith Richards said, “it takes 5 strings, 4 fingers, 3 chords and 1 a$$hole.”

  3. almost 2 years ago on Frazz

    I worked for a processing lab in the 70’s … kinda burned into my brain! ;)

  4. almost 2 years ago on Frazz

    Kodak logo on Frazz’ shirt (a la Paul Simon’s. “Kodachrome”). Yeah, I noticed! ;)

  5. over 2 years ago on Frazz

    I’m fixin’ to teach y’all a lesson in southern English. “Fixin’” can mean “about to” (see my opening sentence). It can also be used as a term of preparation (fixin’ lunch, dinner etc.) It can be used by parents as a veiled threat against misbehaving youngsters (“I’ll fix your little red wagon” – even if said child doesn’t own a red wagon). But rat now, I’m fixin’ to get me some more coffee!

  6. over 2 years ago on Frazz

    Te necessity of invention is a mother!

  7. over 2 years ago on Frazz

    I only run until the dog/police/jealous husband chasing me gets tired. ;)

  8. over 2 years ago on Frazz

    Carl is a bit formulaic, but his style is such that one chapter leads right into the next. I tend to read each book (and I’ve read ‘em all!) in one sitting … be that on the couch or on the porcelain chair in the room with all the tiles. His humor is the main draw, but he also throws in some environmental lessons/lectures. My favorite (current) writer by miles! I’m always salivating for the next volume!

  9. over 2 years ago on Frazz

    Was she a “Basket Case”? (Any Zevon fans here?)

  10. about 3 years ago on Frazz

    We’re talking about a species that survived the ice age – and who along with cockroaches, Keith Richards and Cher will likely survive the next terrestrial reset – consciously or unconsciously!