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- 12 months ago on Stone Soup International Sundays
about 1 year ago
on Ozy and Millie
I was born in, and grew up near Medford Oregon and I don’t get the joke.
about 1 year ago
on Betty
Paying extra for “no commercials” is almost pointless. Most of the programs (at least on hulu) originate from sources that won’t allow skipping commercials regardless. I have noticed now that FOX will not allow skipping commercials even when the programming comes from the local FOX affiliate broadcast station.
about 1 year ago
on Betty
Except 3/4 of the shows will still have inescapable ads due to the network policies.
about 1 year ago
on For Better or For Worse
My question is how did Michaels hair grow so long in 3 or 4 months?
about 1 year ago
on Jen Sorensen
How is that any worse than calling people a basket of deplorables?
almost 2 years ago
on Lay Lines
This is not entirely correct. A 44 special averages 500 ft/lb of muzzle energy VS around 1700 ft/lb for the 5.56. As far as power, the 5.56 still has more energy at 300 yards than a 44 special at the muzzle. It is true that the 5.56 tumbles but this just increases the damage. The bullet was designed to tumble after impact because international law prohibits use of hollow point bullets for military use and the tumbling causes more internal damage. I regularly use a 55 gal steel oil drum as a target backstop and the exit holes at the back are a perfect silhouette of the bullet due to tumbling but they still punch through the steel and plow through around 6 feet of clay ground behind the barrel. There’s no way I would consider discharging one of these inside my house exactly because the bullet can penetrate multiple walls and still cause grave injury or death if it hits someone.
about 2 years ago
on Freshly Squeezed
My answer would be “Soon it will be in my stomach and not in the house”. Does she think she is going to get diabetes by proximity?
about 2 years ago
on Dinosaur Comics
Our government is a representative republic, not a democracy, so that we DO avoid mob rule. Democrats like to call it a democracy because it’s in their party name.
about 2 years ago
on JumpStart
No, the purpose of the airbag is to minimize the g force applied to the brain by slowing acceleration of the skull on impact. Same way airbags work on a car by preventing you from slamming violently into the windshield or door jamb.
They are at Crater Lake, Oregon. the cone shaped island is Wizard Island.