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  1. over 7 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Some writers have missed the point, dwelling on camp rules, and other distractions. As Cosburn wrote, it’s a comic strip. Michael tells us, little things like (innocently!) holding hands can communicate more than words.I’m now 83. When I was a painfully shy teenager I went on a double date to an amusement park. It was the first one with the girl in question. As we were walking, my friend whispered in my ear, “Hold her hand!” I did and we had a pleasant time.

  2. over 11 years ago on The Grizzwells

    I’ve been retired for 20 years and the day is still not long enough for me to do all that I want. It’s all a matter of atitude. One thing that I must do daily is read Grizwells. Bill Shorr is very talented and I’m glad I discovered the strip a few years ago.