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  1. almost 9 years ago on Luann

    Gunther! Ouch! Hey, someday- YOU’LL noticed that she put the effort YOU wanted and then she’ll be gone.

  2. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Yeah, Quill made a crappy exit with Luann, remember it’s that guy gear kicking in. Quill is a good person but he can turn into a guy once in a awhile like any other man regardless of having manners in general or not. Mr. Gray on the other hand . . . we’ll find out soon enough :D

  3. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Sometimes a college education doesn’t change a person.

  4. about 9 years ago on Luann


  5. about 9 years ago on Luann

    calming brownie, calming brownie, a full plate of calming brownies would be great right about now.

  6. about 9 years ago on Luann

    So, Bernice, knowing Luann all these years, is under the influence that Luann is the passive party here. She’s been passive most of her life, why not this? Is that it? Bernice, if you’re that concern, text Luann back and eat a brownie! Dez has the right idea- CALM DOWN!

  7. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Remember, she took a shot at his career. He took a shot at hers. There is just no respect between the two of them.

  8. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Interesting when Luann gets romantic it’s seen as annoying, bad taste, and badly timed. Quill gets romantic and it’s well received. Could it be that Quill just isn’t in the relationship anymore? Could it be Luann didn’t want to wait anymore for their trip to happen? I know I’m stating the obvious, but it seems to be not an obvious thing FOR THESE TWO TO EVEN END THE TALKING AND JUST START WALKING! Preferably in different directions which they were doing anyway.

    To Quill: no more relationships until you’re willing to juggle a relationship and a career. That means communicating when she wants to do something and when you want to do something.

    To Luann: no more relationships until you find you. That’s your priority right now. Nothing else to that. You go and find you.

  9. about 9 years ago on Luann

    Hope the tickets are refundable. I’m surprised that QUILL is surprised. Isn’t this what you wanted? Weren’t you peevish that you had nothing in common anymore? Wasn’t the problem that this relationship wouldn’t last after high school (which seemed nice, then. And then it got harder to be together?) What were YOU holding on for?

    Oh, and no punchline today, just the end of an arch.

  10. about 9 years ago on Luann

    I say that someone brought up the Christmas break discussion during Halloween and Quill brings up- “Did you do get ‘A?’ Did you get ‘B?’ She gets the tickets and the hotel as Quill has instructed if she really wanted to go. They have one bad fight and Quill writes the trip off WITHOUT COMMUNICATING WITH HER FIRST WHICH WOULD GO SOMETHING LIKE THIS: ‘Luann, I just got offered an acting job and it’s a major move for me. We seem to be butting heads right now. So, I say summer would be better for us to take that New York trip. If you’re going to chew my head off about postponing again, I’m going to remind you that we’re butting heads right now. Hopefully this break will either get us to calm down and work things out or this relationship will just end. If you don’t want to do that then, let’s just end it graciously and just say good bye to each other right now.”

    I’m not letting Luann off the hook here. If she was doing all the leg work for the best deals on this trip etc., seeing that she probably was scrounging around for the money and probably borrowing money from her parents to cover the rest then this romantic gesture wasn’t a good idea.HER PHONE CALL SHOULD HAVE GONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS: ‘Quill, I am sorry about that ugly fight that we had and I want to make it up to you. Remember, during Halloween where it was obvious I had nothing planned. Well, I did it. I got the planning, and the money ready. I’m staring at the plane ticket and the hotel reservations that I’m getting for this trip all I need is a ‘Yes, let’s go’ from you. If the answer is no- you have to tell me why.’

    It probably would have ended the same but still COMMUNICATION. It’s a big deal.