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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles eat pizza
Auto correct strikes again! So Earl can get them.
The obvious solution is to put the dirty dishes on the floor so Early can get to them. That way, no Mitty in the sink!
Is Grandma going to try to smoke his catnip cigar?
I’ve got a haunch that Angie will protect Mitty
What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is mine.
Ordering pizza with extra anchovies?
The commercial is on YouTube, and there is another commercial on there that I like. Search “Feliway: you would not put up with it if someone else did it.” On YouTube. It is a wonderful commercial.
The same technology used by the military to protect against chemical warfare.
Mitty needs a “Better Marriage Blanket” (hilarious product, and commercial. A fart filtering blanket)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles eat pizza