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  1. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    To quote “blue collar” comic Ron White, “You can’t fix stupid”. But I like the idea of Proud Boys being treated where they can’t hurt others.

  2. 6 days ago on Ted Rall

    I usually do my food shopping at Trader Joe’s, where prices are lower than the regular supermarkets in my area. When I do go to a regular market, I often get the store brand which is cheaper than name brand items (though I’ve been known to get name brands when they’re on sale). Speaking of name brands, I’ve heard on the news that businesses like Target, Walmart, etc. have reduced prices on their name brand items to woo back consumers tired of high prices. I can see this trend continuing. But companies need to be held accountable for keeping their prices high and/or selling their products at the same price but with less in the package (shrinkflation).

  3. 6 days ago on Lisa Benson

    Hunter was found guilty, yes. But he never said he was the victim of a “witch hunt” and he said he’ll accept the sentence he will ultimately receive. Also, Biden never put Hunter or his other surviving adult children on his Presidential payroll the way Trump put Ivanka (and her hubby Jared K.), Don Jr. and Eric during his term.

  4. 7 days ago on Joe Heller

    Only if we let Trump win by either voting for RFK Jr., voting third party, or not voting at all in November. There’s more independent swing voters and Democrats than there are MAGAs, but that means nothing if we don’t show up with the intensity of the MAGA base (who will crawl over broken glass to vote)! We need to reelect Biden, increase the Senate majority by few seats and win back the House. Perhaps then, Justices Thomas and/or Alito will either retire or fall ill and Biden could appoint Justices to replace them. Also, Trump can’t hold off his other trials forever (especially if he’s defeated in November) and could wind up with additional convictions.

  5. 10 days ago on Clay Bennett

    If then Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) hadn’t bottlenecked Obama’s appointment of Merrick Garland following the death of Justice Scalia, we might have avoided at least one of the three Justices appointed by DJT (Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Comey Barrett) and not have the right wing SCOTUS we’re currently stuck with! At least until Justices Thomas and/or Alito either fall ill, retire, or get indicted. My hope is that Biden gets reelected in November and the Dems widen their majority in the Senate by at least a few seats. Replacing the filibuster with a straight up and down vote in the Senate and enacting term limits for SCOTUS Justices would help too.

  6. 11 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Hey, GOP (and Gary), either Biden is a clueless old geezer or he’s a diabolical mastermind destroying the country. He can’t be both!

  7. 11 days ago on Gary Varvel

    I agree, though Biden’s age is a concern I will vote for him in November. If we are able to keep the White House and Senate blue, and win back the House in November and/or the 2026 midterms, we could vote for someone like CA Gov. Newsom or MI Gov. Whitmer for President in 2028. But first have to get through November and turn out strongly at the polling station. Remember, voting RFK Jr. is a vote for Trump! So is voting third party or not voting at all!

  8. 12 days ago on Gary Varvel

    The GOP was screaming “open borders!” since Biden’s inauguration in January 2021, then acted all surprised when people desperate enough to make the crossing started heading there. Then Speaker Johnson killed the bipartisan border bill because Trump didn’t like it and he and the other Republicans are saying Biden’s executive order is “too little too late”. Biden is in a no win situation with these people! So, my hope is that in November the Dems hang on to the Presidency, widen their Senate majority and win back the House. Maybe then we could have some sanity concerning the border.

  9. 13 days ago on Joe Heller

    This is why we need a well rounded history that tells the good things about our history as well as the bad. Did we make mistakes as a nation? Yes! But we need to learn about them so we don’t repeat them in the future. George Satayana wrote, “Those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it”.

  10. 14 days ago on Mike Lester

    The media is only as liberal as the corporations that own them.