It startled me for a moment, thinking that The Man was the intruder, until I looked at the copyright date and then noticed that this is the era of the handwriting font instead of freehand lettering. Vacation Rerun time.
Time moves slower in the comics. By showing the kittens, then referring to The Archives, I think that signals a flash forward for today’s strip. But I also think that the comic’s Forward aligns with Georgia’s Now.
Our band director has a smart watch. about every third rehearsal, it suggests an emergency call on his behalf, thinking that he has fallen and is flailing. We stop while he cancels the request.
We like the banjo and have one. For comic effect, my husband reflects that after you buy a banjo, you may get very little human contact.Three of my favorite songs begin with a banjo: The Rainbow Connection, Free to Be You and Me, and Schoolhouse Rock’s Preamble.
But if the mother ISN’T dead, then the will is invalid! Oh, the drama of soap operas.