
LawrenceS Free

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  1. about 4 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    My question was why? Sam could order crime tape put up on a refrigerator, but would need a reason. How is it a crime scene? You find the business card the idiots dropped when you stick your head it (takes about 4 minutes). You ask why it was emptied. And you have had the forensics team come in to check for fingerprints to check with the corpse.


    End of police interest.

    No need for the tape.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Loose Parts

    Should anyone be curious, and I sincerely hope no one is, that’s 8 frosted bite-sized shredded wheats.

  3. about 9 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    “Apparently” is the most positive term you could use in the fuzzy logic of this story. Perhaps, maybe, possibly, are also good words for those occasions when you need to try and explain what is happening, along with phrases like, “You’re kidding, right?” and “What the hell?”

  4. about 14 hours ago on Loose Parts

    It’s an oft quoted urban legend. There was a quack who wanted to try it. Discovered nothing, but reported it as a great success. And you show it’s still out there on the web…

    Nothing ever dies on the web… Except the truth.

    It was was earlier than the fake translation of Finnish news story that announced that the Russians had drilled a hole into hell with one of their oil rigs. That one sweep through thousands of fundamentalist churches at the time.

  5. about 15 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I suspect it’s the only exercise some of us get.

  6. about 15 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I figured you were. Unlike Dick Tracy I have no power of precognition… Although I think more often he displays clairvoyance and on occasion recognition. (Recognition is not the same as recognition. Recognition is remembering stuff. Recognition (pronounced re-cognition) is the ESP power of knowing what happened in the past, as contrasted with precognition which is knowing things which will happen in the future.)

  7. about 16 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    I was predicting a course of action that would close this sucker in a week. I hold that to be a conclusion devoutly to be wished. You mean you want this story to drag on ad infinitum?

  8. about 16 hours ago on Tarzan

    Hopefully he’ll remember his manners and ask politely. I don’t think he was planning to ask when the initial idea of ripping off the guy’s weapons came to mind.

  9. about 18 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Okay, no reference to vacation…

    Supposedly on 2 / 25 he was on a business trip… (And it is even more ludicrous to have him absent on a business trip – without telling anyone in the business where he was or when he’d be back?)

    Days / Weeks later the boss realizes “It’s stupid for him for him to have left no contact information.” (Well, Duh.) and calls Claire. Claire insists “Oh, I’ve no idea where he is, but he left instructions for his nephews to remove every single item from his office ’cause he needs them for his mysterious business trip.”

    You are right. No mention of vacation. We have something dumber. A business trip his boss doesn’t know about, and his wife claiming he needs every single personal item out of his office for the business trip she doesn’t know the location of.

    Vacation would have made more sense.

  10. about 20 hours ago on Dick Tracy

    Anyone have a clue why there is police tape over the door to the office Horace cleaned out? I mean, the nephews took out everything they could carry except for the business card for a dentist. Did Sam leave it there for Tracy to find? The police should have dusted it for fingerprints to compare with the corpse and been done with it.