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In all reality , so long it’s been great snarking with everyone !
In all reality, does anyone care any more if Gil coaches again or not ?Anyone, Anyone?
In all reality , is it time to replace Henry? Anyone, Anyone ?
In all reality, does anyone know what’s going on ? Anyone, Anyone !
In all reality that’s the Chicago way to vote. Don’t forget to get your haft pint of whiskey from your precinct captain as you exit the polling place!
In all reality it was a poor choice to walk near The Milford School. I should have went to the Milford Zoo , all the animals died years ago so few visitors go there .
In all reality, being honest is not something us Thop’s are known for.
In all reality, is Gil still in a coma, anyone ,anyone
In all reality , does Milford have gender neutral showers? Inquiring minds want to know !
In all reality, Jim Thorp !
In all reality , so long it’s been great snarking with everyone !