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  1. over 2 years ago on Betty

    Whoa. This hit home for me today. I had knee replacement surgery 5 weeks ago and thought my recovery was going well. So did my physiotherapist. But my surgeon told me yesterday that I had to push myself way, way harder in the next 2 weeks or I’d never get full range of motion back! Keep reaching for those toes, Betty!!

  2. about 3 years ago on Betty

    Found mine once after half an hour of searching – my husband was wearing them! (He looked adorable in my lime green and turquoise frames…)

  3. about 3 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I learned the hard way to always check pockets before running the washer or dryer, because my husband always leaves Kleenex, change, lighters, you name it. Once I won nearly 10 bucks in change in the laundry lottery. Another time, I got a handful of screws, washers, and sawdust!

  4. about 3 years ago on Betty

    It’s really hard to keep your apple watch happy when you’re stuck in a window seat on flight and the two others in the row are sawing logs…

  5. over 3 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I’ve honestly never heard anyone from Alberta complain about the maple leaf on the flag.

  6. over 3 years ago on Betty

    It’s a to-do list (adjective), but the title of the list should be “To do” as things “Things I have to do.”

  7. over 3 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I live in the western provinces and don’t know anyone who finds the maple leaf on the flag “offensive.”

  8. over 3 years ago on WuMo

    I left the litter box too long one time, and my husband and I woke up to the sound of someone using the toilet. Not him. Not me. It was the cat. (And no, it never occurred to us till years later that we should have just taken away the litter box and let her keep using the toilet…)

  9. over 3 years ago on Scary Gary

    One of my dad’s favorite sayings was “I complained because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”

  10. almost 4 years ago on Dogs of C-Kennel

    If you have a ragweed allergy, you won’t ever “adjust” to stevia: it’s part of the asteraceae family and is related to the daisy and ragweed. I had a nasty reaction and now read all labels very closely!