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KimFeil Free

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  1. over 11 years ago on Dick Tracy

    My last four years fighting fracking have played out to where the health of my family has been compromised. In the summer of 2012 they started drilling near my home by the Cowboys Stadium…I had no cooperation from the city or Chesapeake as to when they would be flowing back and putting those wells into production so that I could watch the winds and remove my family from downwind toxins….in January my teenager was getting this rash at the same time my husbands lymph nodes were swelling in his neck…now we have chemo and radiation to finish up by this August. My teen has biomarkers for an adrenal tumor and I need to have a third test run and get another doctors opinion on him.

    I will never be able to prove drilling harmed my family, but the drillers will never be able to prove they did NOT.