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  1. 3 months ago on Stone Soup

    Neither Henry nor elderly, haha! And at least at my work there’s been more than a few guys who would bring real food. And several ladies who would never bring anything but their appetite.

  2. 3 months ago on Stone Soup

    Not only am I a man, I’m a bachelor. And for our Thanksgiving potluck one year I brought the turkey and ham (neither from the deli section), mashed potatoes (homemade and excellent), gravy and stuffing (not homemade), and cookies if I remember right. Partly because I didn’t trust some of my coworkers to remember to bring stuff, partly because I like to cook. So nuts to their gender stereotypes.

  3. 3 months ago on Luann

    I’m glad to see at least a few people supporting the “give blood” message, and frankly disappointed that people are dismissive of the message. Been donating for years. O+, the vampires at the Red Cross love me, hahaha!

  4. 4 months ago on Cul de Sac

    Dill’s brothers are not a reliable source of information… unless it’s about trebuchets!

  5. 5 months ago on Lio

    Is that fruitcake made with tequila instead of brandy, lol?

  6. 5 months ago on Rubes

    Dresden Files fans (the novels, not the show) will get a kick out of this!

  7. 6 months ago on Cul de Sac

    Does this mean the petition is imaginary like Ernesto is?

  8. 7 months ago on Luann Againn

    I adopted Gunther’s philosophy years ago. Well, not the monk part.

  9. 7 months ago on Luann

    It seems like lately, no matter what the plot thread, everyone’s complaining about how horrible it is and how they don’t like any of the characters any more. Then why on earth are they still reading it? Go to the classic strips.

  10. 9 months ago on Luann

    Fish is my spirit animal!