Westofthe Pecan's Profile
WestofthePecan Premium
Born and raised in the southwest U.S. Red Raider undergrad, then a Lobo. Transplanted to the east coast almost 20 years ago. Live and work in the DC area but don't hold it against me - I'm still a country boy at heart! Happily married to an artist and proud grampa to two boys. I'm told 1957 was a good year, but I really don't remember.
I assume you say woke because you can’t spell the big words like compassionate? The real incompetence is in thinking being woke is a bad thing. Or thinking a short term soldier with the rest of the man’s clear inadequacies is suddenly better than a former general or that he can suddenly run one of the world’s largest agencies? Unbelievable. Or it would be if we didn’t already understand MAGATS.