I love this strip, but it always distracts me that Garfield and the other animals communicate with humans and each other with “thought balloons” not speech balloons. Is there telepathy going on? I realize that it is trying to be a solution for the fact that animals can’t speak, but it doesn’t seem absurd or “unnatural” when Dilbert and Dogbert converse with speech balloons in “Dilbert” or likewise in other strips. These are cartoons not reality so why not? But thinking is not communicating and it’s disconcerting..
I love this strip, but it always distracts me that Garfield and the other animals communicate with humans and each other with “thought balloons” not speech balloons. Is there telepathy going on? I realize that it is trying to be a solution for the fact that animals can’t speak, but it doesn’t seem absurd or “unnatural” when Dilbert and Dogbert converse with speech balloons in “Dilbert” or likewise in other strips. These are cartoons not reality so why not? But thinking is not communicating and it’s disconcerting..