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Of course you are pig…
Guys, the pun is “don’t cry for me Argentina,” a song in the musical Evita, by Andrew Lloyd Webber, hence the name of the diner: Evita’s
I like how the sound effect for Danny’s running is “Run Run Run Run”
A wonderful luxury of living in a comic strip
love pig in the last pannel
Hey look! The first guy in the line in panel four is Pastis!
Dude, I am so surprised. This is like the first nice thing you have said on the entire strip so far
Yes, but he continued to right symphonies and conduct concerts even after he lost his hearing
I certainly hope you know the emergency number in the United States is 911, not 119, because you are one sad, deprived child otherwise
I like how nobody gets the rake joke, because rake is another term for a guy who is real nice to ladies, gets close to them, and then leaves for somebody else
Of course you are pig…