
Zeno2099 Free

An autistic anti-totalitarian democratic socialist, culturally progressive, a nonconformist, and a vegetarian.

Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    If you are truly interested, and do not just want to rhetorically justify absolute atrocities, there are plenty of articles with extremely extensive evidence for what is going on available in Wikipedia. You can start with the ones titled “Gaza genocide”, “Israeli apartheid”, and “Gaza humanitarian crisis (2023–present)”, and then read all of the additional articles linked to within the start of the sub-sections of those pages.

  2. 7 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    The USA was technically founded on the principles of genocidal colonialist supremacism and systematic racist slavery, whereas the Palestinians just lived there and were invaded, colonialised, and systematically exterminated and subjected to a bigoted supremacist system even more extreme than Apartheid. The Native Americans were naturally also invaded, subjected to genocide, and were systematically demonised by bigoted media propaganda for a long time.

  3. 7 days ago on Luann

    Tiffany is acting out her bitterness over her own lack of success in her lovelife recently. She should be better than this. Luann is not an enemy. She is a very nice person.

  4. 7 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I am just saying that once you put a tyranny without any working checks and balances in effects, even if, by some miracle, you’re lucky enough to get benevolent leaders early in the beginning, you eventually, and likely quickly, end up with completely conscience- and empathy-deprived manipulative and opportunistic, power-hungry and absolutely ruthless monsters in charge. Hence why I much prefer anti-authoritarian democratic socialism to tyrannical communism.

  5. 8 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    I extremely greatly prefer anti-authoritarian democratic socialism. Communism always leads to a small psychopathic elite owning everything, enslaving everybody else, and committing genocides on whoever they feel like, much like capitalism.

  6. 8 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Ultrawealthy oligarch privilege. Most “white”/beige people are poor.

  7. 8 days ago on Luann

    That is sweet. I am glad that Luann finally has something good happening to her. :)

  8. 12 days ago on Luann

    Big congratulations for the anniversary, and thanks a lot for providing a daily kind and friendly light in this world. :)

  9. 21 days ago on Luann

    It is nice that Luann is making progress towards becoming happier together with a nice, responsible, and sensible guy.

  10. 26 days ago on Luann

    I also think that he seems nice and sensible, just nervous, much like Luann.