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  1. over 11 years ago on Frazz

    @bigpuma: Uhm, in “Frazz” the kids are under the influence of Frazz, at least….

    And there’s at least one German dreamy folk/pop song sung a few years later by the same interpreter (Ina Deter) as a hard rock song. I could very well imagine the fakeHumperdinck sing I’m Bored Spanish-Eyes-style.

    [Of course, to me Engelbert Humperdinck is a 19th-century German Romantic (opera) composer, best known for Hänsel und Gretel. Mrs. Olsen wouldn’t confuse him with Iggy Pop – but then she probably only knows the pop singer who was so unimportant that he had to assume Humperdinck’s name to become famous.]

  2. over 11 years ago on Frazz

    [Obscure comment warning.]

    A little man stands in the forest, very quiet and silentand has a cloak of sheer purple.

    Tell me, who can be the little manthat there is in the forest alonewith the purple cloak.