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Even Bolling has TDS, such offensive and stupid political cartoons on here, I’m cancelling my sub to these. I know, “don’t let the door hit hit you…”.
I’d like to see a “funny” “cartoon” depicting what our hospitals and emergency rooms would look like with our southern border gone.
Probably calmly point out to you it’s not only “Trump” “cartoons” that are depressing?
So many of these “cartoons” are painfully ignorant and unfair. Thinking about unsubscribing, it’s depressing.
This cartoon reminds me of the old Steinberg “No” cartoon.
Some of the most ignorant political cartoons I’ve ever seen. :(
Can Tom draw a cartoon about the ACLU helping promote certain child-oriented literature ? Massachusetts/Curley .
The Liberal Plan: Lose an election, cry, lose the Russia Flimflam, cry, desperately regroup, excrete a whole new fake, absurd, vacuous issue.
Instant crack-house?
The “spurious junk” such as skyrocketing fentanyl deaths, MS13 serial murderers, explosion of homelessness, destruction of good cities. All embraced by the flaky, shallow “humanitarians”.
Even Bolling has TDS, such offensive and stupid political cartoons on here, I’m cancelling my sub to these. I know, “don’t let the door hit hit you…”.