What a stupid comment to make. Why are you insisting on making yourself look like a complete moron? You are not impressing anyone. Just another pathetic, stupid little man child.
At least I am not a fascist scumbag who blindly worships a lying convicted felon sex offender. You are too stupid to realize that history will have the last word here and people like you are going to be judged harshly.
We as a nation have been paying a heavy price for Ford’s cowardly actions with the republican party’s complete disregard for the Law the the Constitution. Nixon belonged in prison for Watergate. Reagan should have been locked up for his treasonous dealings with Iran and the Contra death squads. George W. Bush and Trump are the worst criminals in American history. Now we have the so-called supreme court making up complete nonsense that is in direct violation of the letter of the Constitution to protect a monster like Trump.
When I was in school the Hall Monitor was sort of like student government, something that the more obnoxious students were given to do that didn’t actually involve doing anything.
I love America and hate Trump because he is a treasonous bigoted fraud and rapist. The fact that you slavishly follow a monster like that is proof that you hate every American value to hide just how worthless you know you are.
He just loves the Apartheid supporting moron and will make endless excuses because he hates every value that the American people cherish.