No bio available
That’s where Osama was killed genius !!
Yet you still read it and post about it — if you don’t like it — stop reading it — Geeeez
Get your eyes checked — GD is saying “Blow out the candles and make a wish for something great”
Why would he say that if it was his birthday ??
And it’s too bad they are both moronic comments — and what the heck is TEH ??
Goat — you can re-call the email
jordy18, XtremePearls, Marissarulz, and Dabattlebacca — sorry you guys — they all suck and are about as funny as a crutch.
Get a life comrade !!
Hey brainiac — August 1st is hardly the MIDDLE of August.
Licked in the nuts ??
That’s where Osama was killed genius !!