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  1. 20 days ago on Clay Jones

    Well Said

  2. 23 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Like it or not, Trump or Biden is going to win 2024. I appreciate your concerns about Biden, but let’s just take a little look at Trump.Apparently you would prefer the fascist, homophobic, Nazi option. Why is that? Do you hate everyone who doesn’t look like you? Maybe you just prefer to listen to the uneducated, idiotic swill that emanates periodically from the “Trump” camp. Maybe you too are a good friend to Mr. Pootin. Maybe you want the fascist craze occurring around the world to succeed.Well, let’s add up how you’ve done. -3 points for fascism, -5 points for the stupidity, -10 points for embracing Pootin and -5 points for embracing the world’s fascist tendencies at large. That’s minus 23 points. If you had chosen instead to ignore this and just walk away your score would have been zero. Those of us who prefer democracy thank you for showing your true colors.

  3. about 1 month ago on Herman

    But he does have a free sunroof.

  4. about 1 month ago on Jen Sorensen

    The absolute worst case for a Supreme Court Justice, EVER.

  5. about 1 month ago on Clay Jones

    Historically, Supreme Court Justices were aligned (left or right) with the party that nominates them. But once on the bench they always tended to move towards the center. That doesn’t happen anymore. That’ a bad thing. Now the justices have become a lot more partisan. Sounds like the rest of the county. Not a good idea.

  6. about 1 month ago on Clay Bennett

    Assuming your assumption Sammy Boy had nothing to do with this flag it still seems like he should have told her NO because its a violation of Federal Law The so-called Code of the Flag.

  7. about 2 months ago on Matt Wuerker

    One Naked Mole Rat for Vice-president please.

  8. about 2 months ago on Clay Jones

    Your point? That’s what the Maggot Republicans like about him.

  9. about 2 months ago on Clay Bennett

    Trump may win or lose this case. No matter the outcome, that does not make the process (judicial proceedings) a bust. Trials happen when there is evidence you did something illegal . It just seems like the Maggot Republicans want a criminal/fraudster/con-man/mafioso/dictator to be President. I think they are very un-American.

  10. about 2 months ago on John Deering
    Johnson’s comments were shameful. Telling everyone that the trial was a hoax, sham etc. Just another example of Maggot Republicans distributing hate and lies. Even if you “think” Trump is innocent that doesn’t make the trial illegitimate. Johnson’s comments did damage because some people believe him. It was also a dirty way to get around Trump’s gag order.You would think members of Congress would respect the judicial branch of government but Noooo. The way they all burst into the courtroom pushing their way to the front is not the way you enter a courtroom when the court is in session. Its just not done. Show some respect. But then what do you expect from Maggot Republicans.