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More kissing and less hating…..Maybe the 60’s had something!
Gotta love Gus. But Gus should be proud of grandchild and Gene in addition to Mary Lou.
It’s true. Lots of handchecking. Bumping. Palming the ball. Taking two steps. But I ramble……
Let’s see Some good ones we watched are Vera, Maisey, Midsomer Murder, death in paradise, The Paradise, the Crown, etc.
Love the drawing and the comments. We all need more science. Especially fascinated by the stars, our galaxy and other galaxies.
Yes, bring in Gene and family. P l e a s e, pretty please….
Arlo missed chance in 3rd panel.
We have a mama duck sitting on our front porch for a month now.
He enjoys being with them. But probably not good to keep mentioning the sister.
Arlo, start looking at blueprints for that new house! Now! Your chance to be close to the kids.
More kissing and less hating…..Maybe the 60’s had something!