Martian tartan

Ugly, Fat and Crabby Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 16 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    And about as bright as a black hole.

  2. about 16 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    That’s the best explanation because he really isn’t very big at all.

  3. 6 days ago on Wallace the Brave

    They are keeping that house too warm for December if Sterling is comfortable in just his underpants.

  4. 8 days ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Is that a vase full of knitting needles on the table next to Andy?

  5. 10 days ago on Maria's Day

    I am my own good twin!

  6. 10 days ago on Nest Heads

    Only for those poor saps who believe in them.

    Reading your horoscope in the newspaper every day, or online or wherever, for entertainment and laughing at it is a time honored tradition. Believing what it says and needing to know is foolish.

    Like the difference between going to the track occasionally and making a few small bets as an evening’s entertainment, and thinking you’re going to become a gazillionaire by obsessively gambling away your net worth.

  7. 11 days ago on Baby Blues

    WRONG! Saints are not Gods. Christians have many saints (saint = holy person), but only one God.

  8. 11 days ago on Baby Blues

    Clarification: of repentant thieves.

    And of old maids.

    And of sailors.

    And of pawnbrokers.

    And archers.

    And brewers.


    It’s a wonder he has time for all of that!

  9. 13 days ago on Maria's Day

    Of course it should bother you.

    But you’re Maria, so it won’t bother you.

  10. 13 days ago on Speed Bump


    Any two for elevennis?