Everyone seems to throw around the word “prove” as if what are currently accepted theories “proved” anything. Science neither proves nor disproves. It’s laughable.
No, the laws given to Hebrews in the Old Testament were just for the Hebrews. However, all of the 10 Commandments, except for the observance of the Sabbath, are restated and commanded for Christians, and more importantly, we are commanded to love God and love mankind.
Why make degrading comments disguised as questions about something in which you have made clear that you have no interest? I have read the Bible from cover to cover over times and all of it is valuable. If you did know anything about the Bible, you would know that the Old Testament civil and ceremonial laws were never intended for Christians. Blessings to you!
It all depends on what qualifies as “proof” for you. My whole life revolves around research. The evidence is strong enough for me that I would question my name before my faith.
Not that it matters to you, but “All Scripture is inspired of God”.