True! Maybe it is just me, but Rose could have taken her bad mood elsewhere. If I find myself in a bad mood I don’t want to be around people. No reason to mess with their day because I am unhappy about something.
Actually no. Even though my grandmother died the year I turned 12, I remember her being one of those soft spoken loving people. I know my grandfather could be a bit rough. What I am thinking happened is my mom had a wonderful relationship with her mom. I am guessing my grandmother either spoiled her a bit or wasn’t as stern as she needed to be. It seems to me my mother wanted the same sort of relationship with my but as I didn’t act the way she wanted or expected me to act, I was the problem.
Very true. It took me until I was in my 40’s to understand my mother was a verbal abusive person. So many lies, degrading comments, manipulation to keep me under control and being blamed for everything, Going no contact with her helped my mental state so much.
I’ve never cared for it, but my friend loves them. The only problem is she’s allergic to walnuts and that’s the nut so often used in making fruitcakes.
Reminds me of the joke/meme I’ve seen: Me: I want a dragon for Christmas. Santa: Be realistic. Me: Okay, I want a boyfriend. Santa: What color dragon do you want?
True! Maybe it is just me, but Rose could have taken her bad mood elsewhere. If I find myself in a bad mood I don’t want to be around people. No reason to mess with their day because I am unhappy about something.