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  1. over 10 years ago on The Other Coast

    I had a daughter oncebyTom Roachhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Km1b1yZB5rY

    Oh Renée Fleminghow you wrench my heartwhen from Rusalka you singthe aria to the Moon.

    I had a daughter onceshe had four pawsher coat was shining goldand her name was Zoe.

    A companion with gladness in her heartand joy forever in her stepshe was my moonchild.

    We loved beyond the boundsof human understanding.A dog and man.

    She died my moon childDied!I could not stop it.

    We can loveand we can diewhat then is left?Emotions as ephemeral as a song.

    Thus, when Rusalka singsher wish for mortal lovegrief fills my heartand tears run from my eyes.