Strange surroundings, strange bed, odd hours, lots of wires. Now go to sleep. Ain’t noway! Finally did the home monitor. Easy.
I use a CPAP machine now. I get short daily report but I found a program called OSCAR where I get to see what my doctor sees. Tricky getting the chip out and reading it. You have to be careful. I plan not to tell my doctor because he will lose sleep if he finds out I get to see all the data.
Yeah! If my wife is out for entertainment I will answer in a mock foreign language starting with "Ha low, ha low! Mit akarsz most? Mit akarsz most? ". They usually hang up quickly.
When my Dad passed there was terrible sadness and grief. My Dad, 20 years before his death, prepaid his all his funeral expenses. The funeral director at the funeral was overcome with sadness and grief.
I was in the hospital once and there was a guy all suited up in orange plastic coveralls and a mask with a respirator. His job: clean the room two doors down the hall from mine.
My imagination ran wild as I stared at the ceiling vent wondering if the air conditioner maintenance guy changed the filters recently…..or are they good enough…..or was he the patient in that room……or are the filters even installed……..
Nurse came in and gave me some morphine…..I didn’t give a sheet after that.
And they bought the highest bidder needles.