Froggy with cat ears

willie_mctell Free

Arrived on Earth as an infant. A tiny rocket landed in my foster parents' back yard. They opened it and found a tiny life form inside. They raised it as their own. Sadly, I have no super powers except the ability to annoy others.

Recent Comments

  1. 32 minutes ago on Breaking Cat News

    Artificial woods? Did I miss something?

  2. 35 minutes ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Having lived where it snowed I can say that snow can only be appreciated from indoors.

  3. 38 minutes ago on Lio

    Snitches get canned.

  4. 39 minutes ago on The Fusco Brothers

    A tort.

  5. 40 minutes ago on C'est la Vie

    “Good morning, morbs. Morbs, how do you do.” Is that from morbid?

  6. about 1 hour ago on Strange Brew

    It’s a good idea to break a big job into manageable chunks.

  7. about 21 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    As an agnostic I don’t ask for divine forgiveness but I try to make peace with my conscience. It’s not always forgiving.

  8. about 21 hours ago on Breaking Cat News

    Love here headgear. Spanish or Byzantine?

  9. about 21 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Sounds great. I wish my mom made it. My dad, brother, and sister were all leery of new foods. I was up for most anything.

  10. about 21 hours ago on Family Tree

    My mom grew up in a small town in Iowa. She was a Navy nurse during WWII. When she was stationed on New Caledonia she saw a couple of sailors trying to feed a tin can to a goat. The goat wasn’t interested. She thought the origin of the cartoon gag was the labels on the cans. She believed that some goats discovered that they liked the taste of the glue.