Devil Dog2001's Profile
DevilDog2001 Premium
Gender: Male. Orientation: Gay. Major: Geography. Do I draw comics?: Yes, but none on here. Favorite Comic: Garfield, Off The Mark, and Baby Blues (tie). Least Favorite: Anything that doesn't make sense. Favorite Editorial Subject: Pro-LGBT. Least Favorite: Far Right-Wing. Favorite Cartooning Style: Jim Davis/Paws Inc. Least Favorite: Anything that looks rushed, sloppy, or boring. Dream Vacation: Norway, Iceland, New Zealand, Japan, or South Africa. Dream Career: Creator of the most successful TV show EVER! Realistic Dream Career: Wildfire GIS Specialist. Favorite Pet: Dog. Favorite Dog: Mixed Breed. Favorite Genre: Mystery. Least Favorite: Horror. Would I want my own comic strip: Yes. Favorite type of food: Pizza. Favorite Drink: Sprite [TM]. Least Favorite: Bell peppers; energy drinks.
Since a long time ago. Of course, in elementary, it’s a “specialist” class, with each kid only having PE once or twice a week. Come middle school, THEN it’s every day for at least half the school year.