I find it hard to believe that Tarzan who has lived in the jungle all of his life, and one has to presume, knows the area that he now leading the caravan. How could he not know the local tribes that live in that area?
Now that is the most abrupt ending I have ever seen; it was anti-climatic. So we never learn who the girl actually was, or the group she ran away from, or what actually happened to her. It would be nice to see how GWW brought her back, etc.
But it is what it is, I am looking forward to the new adventure.
The author should throw away his thesaurus, he seems to to throw out adjectives that may be in context, but a little over the top. A croc is not a lizard by any stretch of the imagination, nor are they slimy. But alas, it is all seeming poetic license.
That was a rather arcane reference, albeit relevant.