No bio available
Buses are for small timers. The big stars send crews on busses and fly into town, delivered to the concert by limo! I’ve seen it many times…
Said no dog, ever!
That “one person” is a duly elected official of the state, following the state laws. There’s good reason California didn’t remove him, different laws.
“The public is lumpy!” -Me after my first retail job. Like bad gravy it has thin and thick spots with occasional indigestible dry spots.
Calling someone a racist/etc. is more of a personal opinion than an accusation. As an opinion it need not be proven! The generic form is ‘I don’t like you’.
Suggesting action because you don’t like someone requires backing to match the action.
Knives are a more multipurpose form of “things that cut”. Would this be funnier if it was a knife?
Shhhhh! Let them beat themselves.
Sense isn’t as much fun
Autobiographical? (No pun intended)
You know they could be gay AND just best friends.
Buses are for small timers. The big stars send crews on busses and fly into town, delivered to the concert by limo! I’ve seen it many times…