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TunyaA Free

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  1. about 11 years ago on Zack Hill

    Aversion Therapy

    What we have here is a form of behavior modification called “aversion therapy”. A noxious stimulus is applied to modify or abolish unwanted behavior.

    Might this application, minus the electric zap, be used for other purposes like schoolyard bullying?

    BTW I like the sarcasm font. Hope installation in my computer is possible.

  2. about 11 years ago on Zack Hill

    The Plot Thickens

    The students are confused. Never heard of this before. No preparation. Sink or swim.

    Teacher blindly following orders.

    Can you imagine this going on in Math, Social Studies, English, Gym ? Total switch overnight.

    Orders from Central Command. Common Core is being rolled out in a # of states and schools.

    What is the theory? The pedagogy? Where is the evidence for this style of “teaching” where the teacher is not supposed to teach? Aristotle?

    Kids I’ve read about are saying: “If the teacher won’t teach, why should we go to school?”

  3. about 11 years ago on Zack Hill

    Please, People, Watch This Comic

    This is the FIRST I’ve seen of a very perceptive observer doing a wonderful portrayal of an enforced and coercive cultural change in the Western World and saying it in pictures for us all to understand. This strip captures the very essence of a deliberate TRANSFORMATION of public education — common core in the US, 21st Century Learning in Canada, personalized learning and projects everywhere.

    It is a SHIFT from “sage on the stage to guide at the side”. Watch for the generational, philosophical and political issues to emerge — old traditional styles vs new modern untested efforts. Watch HOW this is being coerced into place — without the knowledge or CONSENT of the paying public (taxpayer) or the intended client base — parents and students. And, it’s being dumped on the teachers without preparation, and often despite their professional judgment.

    Poor Ms Anderson will now helplessly have to stand back and let the kids find “meaning” and “knowledge” and develop skills on their own. Big Question: Will Ms A retire or speak out against this as more of the “dumbing down” trend or will she buckle under and do what “the system” now decrees?