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  1. almost 8 years ago on Jim Morin

    So what you’re saying is that there is no problem with how the police treat Black people and other citizens of color? So what’s more important to you; that an athlete doesn’t respect the flag or a police officer that doesn’t respect the Constitution?

  2. about 8 years ago on Robert Ariail

    The assertion that raising the minimum wage leads to layoffs is a myth. It was never supported by any data; merely theorized. It has become one of those axioms accepted as “common knowledge” much like the early belief that the sun revolved around the Earth.

    “Between January and December of 2014, while Seatac’s business owners (and their customers) were absorbing the cost of paying minimum wage employees $15, unemployment decreased 17.46%, falling from 6.3% to 5.2%. It turns out that you CAN increase the minimum wage (even in large increments) and increase overall employment at the same time.” from Forbes Magazine (http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2015/03/16/we-are-seeing-the-effects-of-seattles-15-an-hour-minimum-wage/#f0748d7715aa)

    “Myth: Increasing the minimum wage is bad for businesses.

    Not true: Academic research has shown that higher wages sharply reduce employee turnover which can reduce employment and training costs.

    Myth: Increasing the minimum wage is bad for the economy.

    Not true: Since 1938, the federal minimum wage has been increased 22 times. For more than 75 years, real GDP per capita has steadily increased, even when the minimum wage has been raised.

    Myth: The federal minimum wage goes up automatically as prices increase.

    Not true: While some states have enacted rules in recent years triggering automatic increases in their minimum wages to help them keep up with inflation, the federal minimum wage does not operate in the same manner. An increase in the federal minimum wage requires approval by Congress and the president. However, in his call to gradually increase the current federal minimum, President Obama has also called for it to adjust automatically with inflation. Eliminating the requirement of formal congressional action would likely reduce the amount of time between increases, and better help low-income families keep up with rising prices." U.S. Department of Labor (https://www.dol.gov/featured/minimum-wage/mythbuster)

    Conservatives repeat the same mantra despite the fact that the data doesn’t back up the theory.

  3. about 8 years ago on Lisa Benson

    No it doesn’t. You have workers, er, “associates” working in walmart for years at the minimum wage level. Hate to break this to you, but there’s very few “skilled” jobs in this highly mechanized age. Basically, almost every job is a factory job.

  4. over 9 years ago on Clay Bennett

    " Can’t remember the number of times I have heard.kill whitie."“Kill whitie”(sic)? That’s so cliche. You’ve been watching too many blaxploitation movies, pal.

  5. over 9 years ago on Clay Bennett

    " First question.Why do black americans think they are special?"

    We don’t. But why are we treated as if we aren’t human?

    “Above the law?”How about honoring that part that “All men are created equal” and “Due process of law”? Why is that such a hard thing for you?

    " blacks in other countries don’t act this way."You mean Black people in other countries don’t complain and protest when their rights are violated? You must not travel much.

    " And Yes I have been singled out by cops. And suffered racial discrimination."And you’re OK with that? That says a lot about you, zippy. If you did, why didn’t you complain? Or are you that much into authoritarianism? That’s on YOU, pal.

    " In the US Navy and every time I go to Detroit."

    Again, why didn’t you complain? Just because you’re a compliant yutz doesn’t mean everybody else has to be. Sorry, but you’re not garnering much sympathy from me here.

  6. about 10 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Conserv, I’m glad you see it that way. Really. In fact, I hope you get what you want; the destruction of unions. You see, it would finally drive home the fact that labor cannot depend on anyone except itself. It will finally force members of labor unions to go beyond negotiating for just wages and benefits but to make itself a political party and participate in government policy making without having to depend on politicians who are more than willing to dump them at the tip of the hat or rather the shake of the Koch Brother’s piggybank. If that strikes you as a bit Marxist, you’d be right. You see, I do believe that a capitalist would sell you the rope to hang him with. And to that I have to say is “thanks for the sale”.

  7. over 10 years ago on (th)ink

    As opposed to FREE LABOR? Tell you what, why don’t you let ME kidnap YOU, force YOU to work from sun up to sun down with only Sunday off (for prayer, of course) whip you when you don’t meet your production quota, answer me back in any way that I find “disrespectful” or “uppity”, give you pig remnants/entrtrails and weeds to eat and tell me how YOU like the experience? What’s that? That’s “inhumane” you say? Well that’s what slavery was like. Learn your history, ignoramus.

  8. over 10 years ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    Please explain how that works. Because that’s never been established by data. In fact, I dare you cheap labor conservatives to read this…http://www.newrepublic.com/article/116070/raising-minimum-wage-isnt-just-good-politics-its-good-economics or this:http://www.forbes.com/sites/beltway/2014/02/11/raising-the-minimum-wage-would-be-good-for-wal-mart-and-america/ Which is from the SAME magazine you cited as a source. Why do you hate Americans so much?

  9. over 10 years ago on The Knight Life

    Hey Keith, do you remember how the Sox got to the series in ’86? They were down 3-1 in the ALCS facing elimination in Anaheim in the 9th inning of game 5, when the Angels bullpen collapsed and a guy named Donnie Moore gave up the go ahead run to Dave Henderson, and then the Angels lost the game in extra innings?Then they lost games 6 & 7 and the Angels fans unfairly blamed Donnie Moore for the collapse when game 5 was the last time he appeared for them ever. Turns out Donnie Moore had a bad back and it affected his pitching shoulder. He was basically gutting it out for the team. He ended up being released the following year and we know what happened after. So can you guys give Bill Buckner a break finally?