Missing large

that_jedi_girl Free

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  1. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Define large. :-) If it has the span of a daddy long legs (but it isn’t one) or it jumps around — it can go somewhere else. I was reading the other night and a spider dropped on me. Admittedly, it wasn’t big but it had crossed the (figurative) uncrossable line. After an initial shriek, I shook it airborne (and have no idea where it landed).

  2. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    The namings that happen when a lit major has majority vote. :-) His successor is Nicodemus Tiberius (the latter is a nod to a certain James Tiberius and a tendency to explore). His predecessor (while I still lived at home) was Desdemona (she was all black. The all white cat was, disappointingly, Percival (named by my mother but he was also acquired years before Desdemona, so it was a lost opportunity due to several factors)).

  3. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Our Mephistopheles would remove one leg. We’d find one legged crickets limping in the (attached) garage or downstairs. They would be ceremoniously caught and then released outside to tell the tale of the ferocious being that took a limb but they had managed to escape with their life. We are still in the same house (and Mephistopheles has been gone for many many years) but the crickets haven’t visited. The stories told must have been quite terrifying.

  4. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Spiders are shooed into corners (if tiny) and relocated if large. However, the spotty gunk some of them leave on the floor is annoying. Carcasses are few and far between. I do wish they’d eat ants and silverfish though. Or maybe they are and they get consumed differently. I am, however, not motivated enough to go researching.

  5. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    The smell of ripe bananas makes me gag (and then some). My husband likes to bring home those discounted bags of ripe bananas. They have to stay far far away from me (until I hold my breath and turn what hasn’t been eaten into banana bread). I like green bananas (not bright green, but greenish-yellow). If I buy bananas, I buy the greenest bunch I can find at the store. Eat about 3 (within 2 days), and then they sit around for another 3 or 4 before others in the house deem them edible. Those discount bananas — my younglings will eat rapidly (and make radioactive commentary) because they know I find the smell repulsive, but since the husband likes to bring home 3 or 4 bags…there is always banana bread (which I also find icky but I make with chocolate chips and the males (minus the cat) enjoy for many many breakfasts).

  6. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Warm Bodies (a zombie love story) I could handle. IZombie (TV show) I could handle and liked until they went from murder mystery of the week to zombie take-over plot and more scary/ gross zombie stuff. But I’m with the – original zombie fun – retooled – risen from the dead and high ick factor – not so fun – wagon. I tried Shaun of the Dead (it sounded hilarious) – I made it 10 minutes in and had to stop (my husband finished it and also liked Zombieland).

  7. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I was thinking a t-shirt. That said, I may replace my desktop background at work with this strip (or put it in rotation with some of the others – to reflect my changing moods).

  8. 7 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Let’s just say my mother did not (and does not) enjoy cooking and it showed. I do not like onions and that featured heavily. Turkey the first day was fine. The second day – okay. But weeks upon weeks…bleh. We have plenty of leftovers with our dumpling and such - usually through Saturday or Sunday. Last year (and this year) we are cooking a duck on Thursday and one on Friday. And splitting some of the more involved cooking dishes (or fried items) over two days as well. Works for us. :)

  9. 8 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    We had turkey for Thanksgiving…once. The first year we were married (32 years ago) and my parents made the drive to visit us. I don’t care for it (for most of when I was growing up, my father would bike home from work with a HUGE turkey (his boss gave one to each employee) and the only people eating it on Thanksgiving were – me, my parents, and my two grandmothers (who didn’t eat enough to count as 1 person). The leftovers went on forever). After that first (married) year, we did something different each year for ourselves – i.e. roast pork, lamb vindaloo, the year of nothing but dessert pies (I made 7, I think). Then we had kids and we gravitated to making a multi-course Chinese banquet (their request). This year (for 4 people) the menu is – Peking duck (with doilies), shrimp dumplings, steamed pork puns, cold hot (spicy) noodles, tasty cold chicken, chicken packages, and (maybe) scallion pancakes. I’m not sure what I’m making for dessert.

  10. 8 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Thanks for the tip. Now I just need to remember for the next time. :-)