Thanks for the update. I hope the treatment for Trouble is simple (and inexpensive) when all is said and done. Our solution over the years for jumping issues (age induced (Mephistopheles) and just a terrible jumper and now aging (Nicodemus)) are multi-step alternatives — so chairs (or boxes) by counters, tables, beds. Sometimes a bench (to get to the chair). Admittedly, the alternatives aren’t always used. Sometimes we get a stink-eye and definite demand when the arrangement isn’t set up (because company or cleaning). We call it the Jackie Chan solution (at one point, as he aged he talked about instead of just doing X stunt (like when he was younger), he needed to do it in 2 (or 3) steps. No longer jump straight up (or down) — but take it by levels. Not one giant leap, but two medium ones. Anyway — may everyone (human and feline) heal!
I’ve not had cats spooked for long periods of time without being able to ID the culprit. Tossing marshmallows on the ceiling here – meds, some critter has gotten in (snake, giant spider (ie wolf), skink, chipmunk, mouse (I’ve only experienced the last three in houses with cross cats)). Hope you get to the bottom of it and get Trouble calmed down until you get him checked out. Keep us posted!
Hmmm….Nicodemus is a Siamese. MUST be an Olympic sport and the Siamese aim to beat the Persians (or that US team from Maine with a second part that GoComics might not allow) and bring home the gold.
That said, Nicodemus’ brief period of hurling from on high (microwave and counter) was less fun. Points for hurling on linoleum but deduction for the splatter. Although, perhaps it was viewed as a feline Olympic sport with bonus points for size and distance of splatter.
There are two small throw rugs at the end of our bed that (for some reason known only to cats) was Mephistopheles’ go to place for late night hurling. For a joke my husband printed out signs with Bill the Cat hairballing and a big red circle/cross over the image. He put them on each of the rugs (which were bigger than the paper). Mephistopheles never hurled on them again. Nor has Nicodemus (yes, the signs remain 2 decades later). However, the new preferred targets became the long hall runner (handmade in Greece and picked up on our first anniversary) which is just barely small enough to get hauled into the bathtub for scrubbing when the inevitable occurs and the huge floor rug in the library (but fortunately the colors are such that cat barf stains blend in. The Greek rug is cream and light blue/grey and smells like wet when hung out to dry).
Which then brings us to David Bowie in Labyrinth…you remind me of the babe…