Snapshot 20131005 1

jeefray Free

Retired Postal Employee who barely made it out before having to go totally bionic.

Recent Comments

  1. almost 3 years ago on Two Party Opera

    It’s fine. I was too depressed the last two years to read comics!

  2. almost 9 years ago on Doonesbury

    Every things fine.

  3. over 10 years ago on Prickly City

    Corporate America renounces its citizenship to avoid taxes and nobody bats an eye. Obama deports and redeports millions, many hardened criminals to Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador, who then organize in those weak, corrupt countries. Parents seeking refugee status so their daughters aren’t raped or murdered and their son’s won’t be pressed into becoming gangsters and people flip out. The United States takes these dumps on the world and then steps back while the mayhem ensues.

  4. about 11 years ago on Prickly City

    Even the Republicans have given up on abolishing the ACA. Go find a new dead horse to flog. The evil bunny of the apocalypse is boring.Here’s what we know: The ACA rollout was an unmitigated cluster mess up. People who had “fake” insurance that didn’t do anything but contribute to the 1.2 million medically caused bankruptcies now have to buy real insurance that actually covers things that go wrong with human beings. I personally am tired of hearing older people whine about not needing pregnancy coverage, just because they finally had to buy real insurance. Insurance only works if everyone has insurance. People that say it’s their right to not have insurance probably have car insurance, so your car is more important than their person.