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zenyattafan Free

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Off the Mark

    Just back from France with a souvenir beret.

  2. 6 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Observant Jews don’t play sports because so many games are held on Saturday, which is their Sabbath. Years ago there was an Israeli basketball player who was so good, he was being recruited by many American colleges. In the end he decided to stay in Israel and forgo playing in college because he wouldn’t violate the Sabbath.

  3. 8 days ago on The Flying McCoys

    Vicious. Viscous means “sticky.”

  4. 8 days ago on The Flying McCoys

    Better than the University of Florida, which has a resident alligator.

  5. 9 days ago on WuMo

    Not what the term “pickup line” means, fella.

  6. 12 days ago on The Grizzwells

    Gunther’s forepaws don’t have claws?

  7. 12 days ago on Bound and Gagged

    The book isn’t that expensive, it’s the shipping and handling charges where he’ll make his money.

  8. 15 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Sumo to jockey.

  9. 18 days ago on Off the Mark

    The ads say “In a few weeks you’ll be speaking another language!” What they DON’T say is “In a few weeks you’ll understand another language when you hear SOMEONE ELSE speak it.” That takes years of study, not weeks. And if you’re going abroad to an area frequented by tourists, it’s very likely that the tour guides, bus drivers, waiters, concierges and other service personnel speak English. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have been hired for those jobs in the first place.

  10. 24 days ago on WuMo

    I once worked for a lawyer who owned his building and rented two suites to other lawyers. We had four phone lines, one of which doubled as a fax line. One of the tenants persisted in using the fax line for phone calls, even after we asked him not to because we couldn’t send or receive faxes when he had the line tied up. I promised myself that no matter how desperate for a job I ever became, I was never going to work for that inconsiderate oaf. And I never did.